How can I cancel my order?
If you have placed an order through and wish to cancel your order for any reason, please reach out to our Customer Support team to request a cancellation. Please note, in some situations we may not be able to catch an order in time to cancel it as our warehouse will typically ship all orders within 1-2 business days after being placed. For all non-shipped orders, we will do our best to intercept a package before it leaves the warehouse.
If you have already received an automated email with tracking information, we will be unable to cancel your order. If your order has shipped however, we can assist with a return for refund on the package itself. For more information, please reach out to our Customer Support team.
For NZXT Gaming PCs: If your order has already been assembled or shipped, any requests for cancellation and refund will not include the cost of shipping or assembly fees.
How do I return my order for a refund?
To request a refund, please reach out to our Customer Support team for further assistance. Please note, the refund window for your product will vary depending on the product purchased:
Product | Return Period |
NZXT Components |
Replacement or Refund: 30 Days |
NZXT Gaming Gear |
Replacement or Refund: 30 Days |
NZXT Gaming PCs |
Refund: 14 Days |
Third-party Gaming Products |
Replacement or Refund: 30 Days |
NZXT Refurbished Components |
All Sales Final, no Refunds Replacement: 14 Days |
NZXT Refurbished Gaming PCs |
All Sales Final, no Refunds Replacement: 14 Days |
Third-party Refurbished Components |
All Sales Final, no Refunds Replacement: 14 Days |
Outside of the listed refund period for all NZXT products listed above, all NZXT products will carry a warranty covering issues of defect dependent on the individual product. For more information on your product warranty, please refer to the product page and/or manual.
To request a return for refund, please reach out to our Customer Support team to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number. All refunds must be requested within the listed return period. Any requests placed outside of the listed return period may be rejected.
All refunds will be processed to the original form of payment only. If you no longer have access to the original form of payment, you will need to reach out to the payment provider.
All returns for refund must be undamaged/unmodified and complete with all accessories, cables, cored, adapters, and documentation that were included upon opening the product. All returns for refunds must be returned in their original packaging.
NZXT reserves the right to deny any return or exchange.
Does a Return for Refund include Shipping and Processing or Assembly fees?
Refunds for NZXT Components, Gaming Gear, and Third-party Gaming Products will include any shipping and processing fees charged.
For NZXT Gaming PCs, returns for non-defective reasons will not include any Shipping, Processing, or Assembly fees.
I received a damaged, defective, or incorrect product; how do I request a return for Replacement?
In the event that you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect product please reach out to our Customer Support team for further assistance. When reaching out regarding a Damaged or Incorrect product, please provide pictures showing the product as received, as well as the packing materials and any visible barcodes/serial numbers as proof.
For defective products, our Customer Support team may walk you through troubleshooting or provide troubleshooting steps to resolve your issue. If the team is unable to resolve the issue through troubleshooting, the agent will provide you with a prepaid return shipping label and a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number to send in your product for replacement.
NZXT Return Policies
For more details on our return policies, please see the links below:
- NZXT Returns & Exchanges (Components & Gaming Gear)
- NZXT Returns & Exchanges (Gaming PCs)
- NZXT BLD Warranty Information (Gaming PCs)
Do you have any questions not covered by this FAQ? Please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support team or join the Official NZXT Community Discord to keep up to date on our latest products, upcoming sales, and join in on discussions on everything from PC hardware to gaming.
You can also follow us at the following links:
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