NZXT ships all package in North America under Free on Board Destination terms. This means that NZXT retains liability if the package is lost or damaged during transit until the package is delivered to the address provided at checkout. If your package is received with damage or is lost in transit, please reach out to our Customer Support team for assistance.
How long do I have to report a missing or damaged item/package?
All missing or damaged item claims must be made within 14 days of the order shipping from our warehouse. Any claims submitted after this time will not be accepted by our Support team.
How long does it take for a Shipping claim to process?
In the event that your package is lost or damaged and a shipping claim is issued, it can take 14-30 calendar days for a resolution from the courier. During this time, our support team will provide any updates we have received from the courier or our order processing team. Please do not reach out to the courier during this time, as this can delay the claim processing.
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