Yes, please keep the original box and packing materials the PC is delivered in as this is designed to protect the product during shipping. If you need to return the PC for service, to upgrade, or to end your subscription and you have lost or disposed of the original packaging, an additional fee for replacement packing materials will be applied.
Articles in this section
- Am I paying for my subscription before I receive the product?
- Are there eligibility requirements to subscribe to NZXT Flex?
- What fees can I expect as a subscriber?
- Will the application process impact my credit?
- Why am I being asked for my ID and bank account to sign up for NZXT Flex?
- Why was my NZXT Flex application denied?
- How does Payment for my NZXT Flex Subscription work? Can I change my payment method?
- What happens if I miss a payment on my NZXT Flex Subscription?
- How do I track my NZXT Flex order?
- Am I required to keep the PC Packaging? What if I lose mine?
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