NZXT CAM FAQ - General Questions

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This FAQ will cover general questions that come up regarding the NZXT CAM software, such as how to leave feedback, why certain features are missing, or what information the program collects.  If you have any questions regarding issues with the CAM software such as installation errors (Error 2), the program not starting, or in-program errors please check out the FAQ below:

NZXT Support - NZXT CAM FAQ - Troubleshooting

How can I leave feedback for the NZXT CAM software?

If you have any feedback, feature requests, or any other ideas for the NZXT CAM software we have a few ways you can reach out to the team:

  • Create a thread over on the official NZXT subreddit
  • Join the official NZXT Community on Discord and make a post in the #cam-feedback channel
  • Submit a ticket through the NZXT CAM software using the Support link in the CAM Settings (click the Gear icon in the bottom left corner)
  • Check out the CAM Ideas portal

We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience, so please feel free to reach out!

What information does NZXT CAM send back to NZXT?

NZXT CAM sends the following information to NZXT while connected to the internet:

  • Anonymized usage data, such as which lighting modes are being used, fan profiles, etc., which NZXT uses to make improvements to the software.
  • Anonymized performance data, which NZXT uses to make performance estimates for different games detected by the CAM software.

If you would prefer to note share data through the CAM software, you can opt out by clicking the Gear icon in the bottom left corner of the CAM software to open the settings and un-tick the Allow NZXT CAM to collect, report, and analyze information about application performance and usage option.

I am trying to install NZXT CAM, but I'm getting stuck at an "Installation failed with error (code: 2), how do I fix this?

Because the CAM installer as well as the updater need to connect to an online server to download the latest version of the CAM software, you may run into an error code such as Error Code 2 or Error Code 5 where the CAM software is unable to install.  If you run into this particular code, please make sure that the PC is connected to the internet and that you have a stable network connection.  In addition to confirming your internet connection, please check the following:

  • If you are using a VPN, please disable the VPN and try running the installer again.
  • If you are using a Firewall or any anti-malware or anti-virus software, check to make sure that the CAM software is not being blocked.

From here, if you are continuing to run into issues please reach out to our Customer Support team.

What is the difference between the NZXT CAM and NZXT CAM Beta software?

The NZXT CAM Beta is our public beta branch of the CAM software, in which we will launch and test new features for upcoming CAM updates.  If you would like to try out the CAM Beta, please download the beta from the link below:

NZXT CAM Beta Download

Why can I no longer log in to the NZXT CAM software?

Due to authentication issues affecting a large number of users, the CAM team made the decision to remove login related services from the CAM software such as Cloud Profile Storage and IFTTT integration with the release of CAM version 4.50.2 .  This allows the team to put a better focus into what makes the CAM program great as a control program for NZXT products such as our Kraken coolers, keyboards, etc.

If you are still running an older versions of the CAM software such as 3.x.x, login servers for this version of the program were shutdown shortly after the release of CAM 4.x.x and are no longer available.

What happened to the Overlay, Overclocking, and Game tracking features in CAM?

Due to unique issues with each of these features, the CAM team has opted to remove them from the CAM software starting with CAM Version 4.49.0 released on April 19, 2023.  These removals allow the CAM team to shift their focus to what makes the CAM software great as a control program for NZXT products  For more information, please check out our official post on the NZXT Subreddit:

r/NZXT - CAM Overlay, GPU Overclocking, and Games Panel Deprecations

What is cam_helper.exe, and why are there so many copies of it open in the Task Manager?

cam_helper.exe is a sub-process that the NZXT CAM software uses to increase stability.  Since some features of the CAM software such as system monitoring, fan control, and RGB control are dependent on the operation of other programs or processes, they are split into their own individual instances so that in the event that one of these functions experiences an issue and fails unexpectedly, the program as a whole does not crash and can be recovered.

Why are certain readings such as CPU and GPU load, or temperature not matching what I'm seeing in other programs?

Depending on the tools used, different programs will utilize different sample rates and sensor data to read and monitor certain statistics from your hardware such as CPU Load, GPU Load, Temperature, Fan Speed, etc.

Because of this, you may see inconsistent results across different monitoring tools however this does not mean that any tool is more or less accurate than the other.  For example, the CPU monitoring within Windows will be based entirely on the current capacity of your system hardware not accounting for turbo capabilities that are currently not in use while the CAM software will generally look at the full capacity of the hardware being used.

If you do run into a situation however where you see a major inaccuracy with your system stats, please submit a support ticket through the NZXT CAM software itself with your logs attached so our team can take a further look into the issue.

Can I resize the window in NZXT CAM?

As of CAM Update 4.55.1, we've added the ability to freely resize the CAM window.

My CAM window is stuck in Full Screen mode, how do I fix this?

If you find the CAM window is stuck in full screen, press F11 on your keyboard and this should return it to normal mode.

Can CAM control 3rd party RGB devices such as RAM, GPUs, Fans, or RGB strips?

At this time, the CAM software is only able to control standard 12V RGB and 5V Addressable RGB devices when connected to an NZXT N series motherboard such as the N7 Z790 or N7 B650E.  The NZXT CAM software does not include support for controlling RGB found on RAM or GPUs at this time.

For more information on controlling 12V and 5V Addressable RGB devices for N series motherboards, please check out our guide here:

How to Control 5V and 12V RGB Devices on an NZXT Motherboard

Can NZXT CAM control my fans without needing an NZXT Fan Controller?

CAM is only able to control the speed of fans when connected to a compatible NZXT Fan Controller such as those built into select Kraken coolers, NZXT branded motherboards, or dedicated controllers such as the RGB & Fan Controller.  If your system does not include an NZXT Fan Controller, you will not be able to control the fans through the CAM software.

Is NZXT CAM compatible with Linux or Mac OS?  Will it be coming to more operating systems?

At this time, there are no plans to bring CAM to other platforms such as Linux or Mac OS.  The current iteration of the program, CAM V4, was designed from the ground up with Windows 10 in mind. 

Currently there are third-party alternatives that will allow you to control CAM powered devices through Linux, however we will not be able to provide assistance with using these programs nor are any issues caused by these programs covered in our product warranty.

Is NZXT CAM compatible with Windows 8.1 or Windows 7?

Starting with the release of CAM version 4.40.0, the NZXT CAM software no longer officially supports legacy versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system such as Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.  Due to NZXT CAM being reliant on several Windows APIs in order to load statistics, detect, and manage devices the team has made the decision to deprecate support for these older operating systems.  For more information, please check out our post on the official NZXT Subreddit:

r/NZXT - NZXT CAM Windows 7 & Windows 8 Deprecation

Is NZXT CAM required to control my NZXT devices?

Depending on the product, you may need the NZXT CAM software installed in order to monitor and control the device.  If your devices includes a Internal USB 2.0 connection like the one found on the NZXT RGB & Fan Controller, the RGB Controller found on select cases as well as in fan starter packs, or various Krakens such as the X and Z series as well as the new Kraken and Kraken Elite then you will need the CAM software installed and running to control them.

If you are using non-RGB NZXT fans connected to the motherboard, or select products which include a 5V Addressable RGB Adapter, you will not need to use the NZXT CAM software and can instead control these devices as generic RGB devices.  A list of these products and the number of LEDs you may need to configure is listed below:

Product # of LEDs
NZXT T120 RGB 18
NZXT Kraken 120 9
NZXT H5 Flow RGB 8
NZXT H7 Flow RGB 8


Can I downgrade to an older version of CAM? 

Due to the NZXT CAM software using an automatic updater, we currently do not offer previous versions of the CAM software for download.  If you are running into an issue with the latest version of the CAM software, please submit a ticket through the NZXT CAM software so our team can take a further look into the issue.

I'm running into an issue with the CAM software not covered above, how do I get support?

If you need assistance with the CAM software, please reach out to our Customer Support team or submit a ticket through the NZXT CAM software itself by clicking the Gear icon in the bottom left corner and selecting Support from the left side.

To best assist you, please make sure that the Send NZXT CAM logs... checkbox is ticked, as this will allow our team to identify issues easier.


Do you have any questions not covered by this FAQ?  Please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support team or join the Official NZXT Community Discord to keep up to date on our latest products, upcoming sales, and join in on discussions on everything from PC hardware to gaming.

You can also follow us at the following links:

@NZXT on Twitter
@NZXT on Instagram
@NZXT on TikTok

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