In the event that you may need to replace your H7 Series case USB module, this article will be able to guide you through this process! First, we'll need to make sure you have the following items:
- Phillips 01 Screw Driver
- Replacement USB Module
- Anti-Static Wristband
Once you've confirmed this, you will need to remove all detachable panels on your case. This will make everything easier to work on. Let's start with the side panels, to remove these panels simply slide your fingers under them until they pop off.
After you've popped a panel off of your case you will then need to lift up the panel to separate it from your case. Next, you will need to remove the front panel, this can be done by lifting up from the underside of the front of your case.
After removing the front panel, you will need to pop off the top panel, you can lift up along the front edge of the panel shown in the photo below.
That's it! Now with all of your panels remove you can easily start working on swapping your USB module. Now with all of those panels removed, we can work on removing the front fan/radiator bracket. Firstly, if you have an H7 Elite case, you will have to remove the front cable cover. Skip this step if you have the H7/H7 Flow.
There are two screws located on the backside of the front panel mount pictured below. Using your screwdriver loosen these until the cover comes off.
Now you can remove the front radiator bracket, this can be done by loosening the two front screws on the bracket shown in the example below. If you have fans and/or a radiator mounted in front of your case, you should be able to still remove the bracket but be careful to not stretch any wires or tubes. You can leave it hanging off to the side since we don't need the bracket fully removed.
Now for removing the USB module, this can be done by removing the two screws located on the top of the case shown below.
Once removed, we recommend following all the cables from the hub to your motherboard to verify where they are connected. In the photo below are photos of these connections for your reference when searching for these cables. Note, for the USB 3.1 Gen 2 connector, some motherboards may not support this connection so if you cannot find it, verify your motherboard supports it.
After you have removed the H7 USB module, reverse the previous steps to install the new module you received.
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