Ambient V2 Controller is not detected in CAM

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If you are using an Ambient V2 Controller and CAM is not detecting the device. You can try these troubleshooting steps.

  • Please go to the Devices Page and select “Detect Devices”
  • Go to Control Panel and click on "View Devices and Printers" then remove the MCP2200 device or any Unknown USB Device. Then restart your computer and check CAM again
    • If you still see an Unknown USB Device, then it seems that the USB cable is creating a bad connection to the motherboard. You can try using a different USB cable to check and see if the USB cable that came with the package is faulty. You can use a micro to regular USB cable and route it to the back of your case to test this issue. 
  • Try using a different USB port on your top or back I/O ports
  • Try turning off your PC and turn off your PSU for 10 seconds, then turn your PSU and PC back on and check CAM again
  • Try connecting the Ambient V2 Controller to a different PC/Laptop and see if it is detected in CAM.

If your Ambient V2 Controller is still not detected, please feel free to contact our support team at

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